STD Symptoms
Key Resources
Questions about STD Symptoms are among the most commonly asked health questions online. Here I will give you my recommendations, boiled down from the 100's of websites having to do with STDs and STD symptoms, to give you the best of what is online to inform and educate you about STDs, related types of, and any aspect of the subject you need to know.

Readers beware!
..Of laypeople who offer treatment suggestions and drugs, home remedies, outdated material, sites written as advisory by individuals who are not professionals.
Be aware that several websites available on STD Symptoms are offering, suggesting or selling meds for STDs - Medications that are not prescribed by your health care provider but are recommended for healing or aiding the healing process.
Some STDs have symptoms that disappear temporarily, yet are contagious. It is advisable to see a physician to cure the STD symptoms or to treat a virus, not just make the STD symptoms go away. Medications suggested or offered online may not be a cure for you personally.
Also, note the date a site is updated. One site claiming to be an authority on the subject of STD symptoms hasn’t been updated since 2004. It is best to know a site is looked after with current information for your benefit.
It is certainly a reassuring thing to know someone else understands your situation. Or to share information with people who have been or who are in the same situation as you are, who have STD symptoms. Hearing their insights may help you feel less of a stigma about having a social disease, STD symptoms, or may help you in some other way. There is no harm in this. There are lots of blogs and chat sites available if you want to relate to people online who are experienced with, have, had or just become infected with an STD or HIV/AIDS.
However, sites on medical subjects, especially STD Symptoms that are highly contagious, are best if there is a board of medical directors or if it is authorized by professionals. Your health is at stake if you take advice from anyone claiming an authoritative position to advise you about diseases that spread and are pandemic, who is not qualified to do so.
The Following Sites Are Credible
The following sites are credible and will give you all the medical facts you need to know about STD Symptoms in general and the different types of them. Many of these sites offer support information in addition to symptom and treatment information and all other aspects of each disease that is pertinent for you to be aware of and know about.
After extensive review of sites available on STDs and STD Symptoms, the following sites are outstanding and will provide complete information on the subject. I highly recommend each of them.
Answer My Health Question has done the research for you and only here will you find a complete round up of the best sites online about STD Symptoms.
STD Symptoms
The STD Guide by the Health Awareness Connection called Young People's Guide to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and AIDS/HIV Disease is excellent!!! Don’t miss it.
A Must See. American Social Health Association Trusted source for information on sexual health, sexually transmitted infections and STD symptoms.
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention maximizes public health and safety nationally and internationally through the elimination, prevention, and control of disease, disability, and death caused by HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs and TB.
MedLine on STD Symptoms. You will see Medline sites repeatedly within Frequently Asked Questions, along with several other government sites. They thoroughly and of course accurately give you answers to general and specific STD symptom questions.
Medline and many other sites not only cover STDs, but also several other health and medical topics from A to Z. Within Frequently Asked Questions I will take you only to the section within these sites for the topic we are addressing.
A British site sponsored by the National Health Service (NHS) specifically for young people. The all new Young People's Sexual Health Website Here you will find open and frank info on Sexual Health, Support, Services, Contraception, Emergency Contraception and a whole lot more.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines isn’t a pretty site and although it is a document prepared in 2002 the information is still true and pertinent for the variety of STDs and treatment of them.
Genital Warts, also known as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Venerial warts As many as one in five American adults have a genital HPV infection. It is one of the most common viral sexually transmitted diseases in the US today.
Human Papillomavirus …more than 100 types of HPV. Learn more about the benefits of the HPV vaccine, tests and treatment.
Genital HPV Infection Fact Sheet
The HPV Test Protect yourself against cervical cancer. Learn about HPV testing.
Great site, a must see. HPV is the most commonly sexually transmitted viral infection in the world today A site for teens, adults, teachers, health care professionals, by The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, in English and French.
American Social Health Association, a source for accurate information about HPV and cervical cancer prevention and Support Group information.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Human Papillomavirus (pap-ah-LO-mah-VYE-rus) (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. At least 50% of sexually active people will have genital HPV at some time in their lives.
Medline/PubMed National Library of Medicine database of reference to more than 16 million articles…search help guide included.
HPV Vaccines
Provisional American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Recommendations on HPV Vaccine, for information about the vaccine and the disease.
HPV Vaccine Information Statement by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
A Must SeeAlso called: The clap Explanation, Overview, Diagnosis/Symptoms, Prevention/Screening, Related Issues, Clinical Trials, Journal Articles
Please note: Accurate diagnosis of herpes can only come from a swab of an active sore. Attempts to diminish the cold sores on your lips or genital area do not cause the virus to go away or cure it.
A Must See - Unique, thorough.
Genital Herpes Facts, Statistics, Treatment, Resources
Fully Understanding Genital Herpes
CDC Fact Sheet
Get the Facts Sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline. What is, Symptoms, Talking to Your Doctor, Treatments
Questions and Answers on Herpes no sponsor indicated! But some may like this format…
Managing Herpes: Living & Loving with HSV is the #1 handbook for people with herpes, partners, and health care providers.
Basic, thorough, good! Information on Herpes, here
Super good site, I think. Menstuff® has compiled information and books on the issue of Genital Herpes Simplex which currently 1 in 6 American men have.
Am I Infected? A Guide to Testing for HIV This page is also about HIV symptoms description. is a very good site to go to for all information about HIV/AIDS. Within the Explore AIDSmeds and POZ section of this site, at the bottom of the Home Page, is a wealth of information that is probably as far as you need to go to find out whatever you want to know about AIDS or HIV symptoms.
See the above link and many other important links to answer all your questions about symptoms, treatment, support of HIV/AIDS on HIV/AIDS, a page included in the Most Frequent ?s section of Answer My Health
Ask about and get accurate, professional answers to all your medical and health questions on this page: Medical Symptoms.
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