Nutrition Health Articles
Best Current Nutrition
And Health News Online
Nutrition health articles are searched for to the tune of 85,000 plus searches per month! My speculation is that a large percentage of these searches are made by Baby Boomers, based on the large number of us and our age.
Whoever it is performing the searches, the number show that there are a lot of people who want nutrition and health news online. Here, on the Nutrition Health Articles page of Answer My Health Question, you will find the very best of nutrition and health news online.

Health News
Because they say it best - see MedlinePlus News If you have seen Most Frequent ?s and Medical Symptoms, you have seen MedlinePlus suggested over and over, as they have what just could be the very best information on any health topic.
Likewise, their News page has all the health news topics from the top health news agencies plus the most recent press announcements from major medical organizations. This is an amazing site because you can read the current news from any health topic you choose.
Daily Health News from the US Department of Health and Human Services Health News.
NIH News in Health, a monthly health publication from the US Department of Health and Human Services. See current and back issues for content and topics for nutrition health articles.
abc News Online and their Health Section - abc health news.
Nutrition health articles and health fitness articles - the latest news and information from
"News for Healthier Living" HealthDay Consumer Health News an Award-winning health news licensing and syndication service.
Learn the importance and benefits and secrets of good health> See Life's Secrets. . .an eclectic mix of information on health, body, mind, soul, financial, environmental, values, living and dying.
European Health News
eHealth News EuropeThe First European eHealth News Portal. You will find the latest European Health Industry News, Research and Publications.
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Health-EU Portal The Health-EU Portal is the official public health portal of the European Union with a wide range of information and data on health-related issues and activities at both European and international level.
nutrition health articles
Health-EU Portal, is different and very very good. Select a country within the EU for complete health news and topics according to: Health by age group; Lifestyle according to special topic; Environment (home, work, social, etc.); Health Problems by individual health topics, and last – Care for Me which lists treatment, patient safety, and more. This website allows you to read health news within each country in the EU specifically.
HealthTech Wire "proudly presents the (health) industry’s original news stories - unbiased, raw, as they happen." Available in 3 editions specific to region: English, French and German., an independent news and business information portal covering the development of the health care information technology sector across Europe.

Other Great Health News Sources
National Cancer Institute’s NCI Cancer Bulletin produced online. Great site. You will find News, Commentary, In Depth and Updates about all cancer news information. See also: Archives for past nutrition health articles.
Alzheimer’s News from the Alzhiemer's Disease Education & Referral Center (ADEAR) website where you will find current news releases announcing research findings on Alzheimer's disease and related topics from the National Institute on Aging (NIA).
Time Magazine In Partnership With CNN: Definitely interesting - see Time Magazine Online - Health and Science section, very interesting, topical nutrition health articles.
Newsweek Magazine Health Health – This site is what you would expect to see from - a good and interesting health section.
U.S. News and World Report Health section online. Great site – see it!
The New York Times, the largest local metropolitan newspaper in the United States, has a great Health Section, see the New York Times Health Section..
See the News From Mayo Clinic.
An online health news source Google News Health.
Best Nutrition Articles and Information Online
Here is a site I believe you will find to be both interesting and helpful. It provides essential nutrition information that everyone needs to be aware of! Please see Healthy Fiber Foods, with success tips to reclaim a healthy body using fiber foods to nourish good health and repair oxidation, inflammation, and disease. This website exams diet and nutrition plans to associate food choices with health benefits, and to identify self-help choices to improve health, energy, and happiness.
There are a lot of nutrition sites online, but I like this one best. Check into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Your Online Source for Credible Health Information”, this is their Nutrition for Everyone page and there are many links you can use and articles within this page that are terrifically informative.
Another winner for Nutrition, it’s the US Center for Nutrition Policy from the USDA site. There is information on the home page however, do a search for news and go to an extensive news section on the USDA, Nutrition as it relates to the US, nutrition updates, policy, etc. To see the Diet Guidelines you must click on the purple square graphic for an 84 page document “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005”.
You'll find an answer to most any nutrition question in the nutrition health articles at the Food and Nutrition Information Center site from the USDA.
The American Society for Nutrition, established in 1928 and still going strong, publishes two worthy journals: the Journal of Nutrition and ”The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Both are must reads!
Vegetarians – please see this thorough, great site for all subjects relating to vegetarianism The Vegetarian Resource Group page on Vegetarian Nutrition.
National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity News, information not found elsewhere about health and nutrition on a National level, in communities and Congress.
From the American Dietetic Association, the World’s Largest Organization of food and nutrition professionals. You can’t get better nutrition health articles and information than this.
. . .but!, if you want a little more information, see this great site from BBC Nutrition. This site covers the basics, well.
If news and information about nutrition (nutrition health articles) isn’t within the pages of the sites suggested above, it may not exist. There are other news sources. However, the sites above have health news covered – in-depth and well.
nutrition health articles

Last But Not Least - Everyday Health Tip of the Day
The CDC gives you up-to-date, credible health and safety content about health. Get into the Health Tip of The Day! and stay informed about the health content that is most meaningful to you.
Please see also Health Fitness Articles for a wealth of beneficial Weight Loss, Nutrition and Physical Fitness websites! You will be glad you did!
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