About Answer My Health Question
Welcome to Answer My Health Question
I'd like to use this page to give you a little background about myself and about Answer My Health Question, and about...
My Journey into a satisfying, happy webmaster occupation!
We, my husband and I, are happily living in Andalucía, in sunny Southern Spain, certainly one of the most beautiful places on earth to live. And thanks to the capability to live anywhere in the world and work online, is why I can live here and have a terrific business with far reaching readers. People from Spain, the United States, Russia, Croatia, Norway, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, the Philippines and Israel are visiting Answer My Health Question.net daily!
My name is Nancy. I am from Northern California originally and lived the past 32 years in Southern California. Until my move in 2006 to Southern Spain.
After a long and successful career as a salesperson in the U.S., and the beginning (10 years) of a career in website design, I was out of gas. I had had just too much of working with contracted internet companies from developers to various and sundry technical peripheral vendors and SEO companies, etc., etc., etc. that I was spinning in a cycle of internet frustration. What I had realized is that it is difficult at best to leave my financial security and occupational goals to individuals needing to perform technical tasks that they were not actually capable of performing. That, and that it’s a very expensive endeavor to operate a successful website, normally. The required development and marketing for such a business for an individual is simply too costly.
Until I found Site Build It. As testimonials go, no one in the entire world knows better than I the comparative ease this experience has been because of the tremendously high quality of the job the SBI people do. From the host service and url registration, documentation that leaves out nothing regarding what is required to do every little thing necessary to build a website, unbelievable support (unheard of in my previous world) to the ongoing information and guidance to sustain and maintain a successful website. SBI is the most amazing group of people that offer top-notch service, and makes it actually EASY to build a website, when otherwise one (I for one) might look at such a task as impossible!
Here in Spain, like everywhere else, we are affected by the economic challenges and changes the various world economies are in.
There is a high rate of unemployment here, just like there is in most places. My husband is now retired, and me, I am not old enough to. So, what to do, what to do? This was a question I explored for a few years.
Then one day I read an interesting website about travel in Spain. The website I was on was a site built by an SBIer, as we are known. SBI websites are rated in a very high top percentage, the top 3% of all websites online, due expressly to the reasons I sited above. SBI websites are built carefully to attract both human visitors and search engine visitors. Your success is guaranteed, if you follow carefully the plan generously offered to you through SBI.
If you are looking to pursue either a new job experience, one that is fun and rewarding or to find a place to showcase your artwork, or attract hobbyists within your interest, then SBI is for you!

I am still pinching myself from the good fortune I feel I have by becoming familiar with this opportunity. It is personally enriching, challenging, rewarding and allows me the freedom to work where I love.
If you are looking for the job experience of a lifetime of freedom from boundaries – both personal and physical, then please look into the Solo Build It opportunity today.
To learn more about how to turn your interests or passions into more than just a hobby, just open any of the Solo Build It Snippets below for a good look at the Solo Build It Website.
If you decide that Solo Build It is a good idea for you, then, please do come back and tell me how you like it. I will enjoy hearing what your experience is and share with you the excitement and satisfaction of knowing you can be all that you can be - online!
Very best regards,
Nancy Hovik

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