HIV Symptoms
Guide to Essential Information
HIV symptoms plus all other need-to-know answers to your questions about HIV.
Am I Infected? A Guide to Testing for HIV symptoms is a great site to go to for all information about HIV/AIDS. Within the Explore AIDSmeds and POZ section of this site, at the bottom of the Home Page, is a wealth of information that is probably as far as you need to go to find out whatever you want to know about AIDS or HIV. You may imagine a government site addressing AIDS/HIV to be “dry” but contrary to that thought, this site is packed with lots of good information. On the home page there is a section that addresses 4 topics: HIV/AIDS 101, Prevention, Just Diagnosed and Staying Healthy. Within each section many good questions are addressed that will help anyone with HIV/AIDS understand living with the virus better.
A social network and support community, see Many sites on HIV/AIDS offer similar but different information on the subject. The more information the better, I say. This site stands out for offering a lot of related Resources, Forums, News and Articles. I’d say this site is A Must See.
It seems the US government has several resources for information on HIV/AIDS. They aren’t bad either. They are very good! See Aidsinfo as part of the National Institute of Health offers extensive information on Treatment/Prevention, Drugs, Clinical Trials, Vaccines, and other HIV/AIDS-related topics Health Topics.
Videos! Free videos! And they are high quality, professionally done. Great if you want to do a presentation to kids, or other adults. There are quite a lot of them to choose from.
Averting HIV and AIDS is about HIV education. Education and many more topics. This is another great site. AVERT is an international AIDS charity. Very interesting, very good.
HIV In Children sponsored by Pediatric On Call, in About Us it says “PEDIATRIC ONCALL is the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and education tool with an extensive network of doctors as registered members of the site. Its popularity among the users is established by its hit rate of over 1.2 million hits/month, which is rapidly increasing.” If this is so, then it is worth looking into this site.
HIV Symptoms?

HIV InSite Gateway to HIV and AIDS Knowledge InSite offers comprehensive, up-to-date information on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and policy from the University of California San Francisco. Excellent up-to-the-minute News, as well as all the rest.
Great RESOURCE GUIDE by US Department and Human Services Center for Disease Control
The Body: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource is just that, plus it has good Alternative and Complimentary Therapies information See “Beyond HIV/AIDS Medications: Healthy Living for HIVers“, with information from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which is part of the NIH. Amazing.
AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGIS) sponsored by Elton John AIDS Foundation and the US National Library of Medicine of the NIH. Includes Current news on AIDS from around the world, in 5 languages.
Special Information Services HIV/AIDS Information, NIH’s National Library of Medicine, the World’s Largest Medical Library, NLM Resources and HIV/AIDS Web Links to informative sites. Another great site.
Elton John AIDS Foundation, EJAF's U.S. office is located in New York City. In 1993, Sir Elton also established the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF-UK) in the United Kingdom, headquartered in London. These two organizations function as separate entities with their own distinct grant-making portfolios, but both pursue similar missions - to support innovative HIV prevention programs, efforts to eliminate stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, and direct care and support services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (IAPAC) 12,000 physicians strong. Physicians, join! To improve education and approaches to improve performance in HIV/AIDS treatment.
There are more sites. Many, many more as you can imagine. In HIV Symptoms I have covered what for me were the primary resources plus others to round out the myriad of information. The topic headings repeat in most sites, and yet they are all interestingly different and informative in different ways. There is unique information from site to site. All together these sites go a long way toward educating you, informing you and keeping you up-to-date on news on HIV/AIDS treatment, and all subjects having to do with HIV/AIDS.
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