
Having too much “bad” (LDL) cholesterol (as opposed to the "good" HDL cholesterol) in your blood stream causes heart disease and other serious illness. According to the Mayo Clinic, (see site link below) Heart disease is the No. 1 worldwide killer of men and women, more than all types of cancers combined. This condition is often caused by some important, basic factors that can be controlled by you – diet and exercise.

You may feel that making a change to your diet and exercise in order to control or lower the amount of LDL in your blood may take too long, seem too difficult or be too much of a bother. Relax, there is a solution to any reason you may have to not indulge in healthy diet or an exercise program that works specifically for you.

Below you’ll find many sites that will completely explain cholesterol in general, high LDL symptoms, treatment and solutions that can and will work for you, if you work them. Please take the time to review each site I am suggesting below, each one makes a slightly unique suggestion to the diet you make choose, or may inspire you in a way that makes you get up out of your chair and begin a healthier lifestyle.

It’s All About You

It is all about you - your desire to be fit, feel good, live better and be happy. Lower your high LDL and increase your probability to feel good. Read what there is to know about it here and decide today to change, a little, and increase your enthusiasm for a better life a lot.

Best Cholesterol Information on the Web

First, we must ask What is cholesterol? To find the best answer on the planet, go to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) page on Cholesterol. Find out what there is to know!: What is cholesterol, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments, and Key Points.

Everything necessary to know about cholesterol is contained in the site from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. To say "it is very thorough" is an understatement. This site is among the relative handful of authentic definitive sites on this condition. If you are in need of knowing anything or everything about cholesterol, you will absolutely find it in this complete site from the NHLBI.

Contents of the NHLBI page “High Blood Cholester..: What You Need To Know” are:

Why Is Cholester.. Important?

How Does Cholester.. Cause Heart Disease?

What Do Your Cholester.. Numbers Mean?

What Affects Cholester.. Levels? Diet, Weight, Physical Activity, Age and Gender, Heredity

What Is Your Risk of Developing Heart Disease or Having a Heart Attack?

Check the Risk Factor Table- see how many of the listed risk factors you have; these are the risk factors that affect your LDL goal. (See chart link below).

Major Risk Factors That Affect Your LDL Goal: Cigarette smoking, High blood pressure, Low HDL cholester.., Family history of early heart disease, Age – Read all the specifics at this site.

”Even though obesity and physical inactivity are not counted in this list, they are conditions that need to be corrected.” (NHLBI)

. . . And see the risk scoring tables (which include your cholesterol levels) to find your risk score. Risk score refers to the chance of having a heart attack in the next 10 years, given as a percentage.

Also included in the Contents are:

Treating High Cholester..

Lowering Cholester.. with Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) TLC is a set of things you can do to help lower your LDL cholesterol. The main parts of TLC are: The TLC Diet, Weight Management and Physical Activity

Drug Treatment and last -

Important Resource Information

See these informative, important sites!

HDL Cholesterol and LDL Cholesteral website.

National Cholesteral Education

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute page Aim for a Healthy Weight

Your Guide to Lowering High Blood Pressure

• healthfinder see articles on nutrition and stress relief.

See also:

American Dietetic Association

U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health site. . .

. . . and this page for full features on all other diseases of the heart, blood and circulation.

American Heart Association – The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is: "Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke." Patients - see this page.

American Stroke Association Learn what the warning signs are! See: Learn About, Life After, see the site for all information. You can see this site after you’ve reviewed the cholesteral information in the sites above and then if applicable, learn about strokes, too. I wish my dad had seen this website.

Mayo Clinic > Medical Services> Heart Attack> Overview, Diagnosis, Treatment

Heart Disease from Mayo Clinic Statistics: 40% of the deaths in the US annually are from Heart Disease; Heart disease is the No. 1 worldwide killer of men and women.

USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference - Cholesteral measures per portion of various foods – diet guidelines!

Association with National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the NIH, Public information on Heart and Vascular diseases: see Cholester..

The National Cholester.. Education Program

If that isn’t enough, to read current news articles on cholesteral, see this Medline site page for new about cholester.. or you can choose from the A-Z List a topic of interest to you for news updates and information.

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