Bipolar Disorder
Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Information,
Treatment and Support
Bipolar symptoms affect 1 in 4 adults. The National Institute of Mental Health states that an estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.
There are many issues to deal with in addition to recognizing bipolar symptoms. Treatment and support are paramount. If you are seeking answers to questions about bipolar symptoms and bipolar treatment, you will find answers to all your questions and any additional help you are seeking within the sites I am suggesting for you.
There are a plethora of sites on bipolar symptoms, bipolar disease and bipolar treatment. I have reviewed most of them and am suggesting the relative few that are either unique or which provide the most complete information on bipolar symptoms, bipolar treatment, how to find a psychiatrist and many other topics relating to it. The sites I skipped listing are repetitive from the sites below. The suggestions I have listed will do well for anyone interested in learning about or seeking help for this very common mental health condition.
Essential Sites
The websites reviewed and suggested by me, listed below, are essential sites – they are the foundational websites for information imperative to know about bipolar symptoms, treatment, etc. They are the information sources used for most, if not all sites online. They are the primary, basic sites to look into while seeking information you need to know.
Aside from the essential sites reviewed and listed, I have found some additional sites which offer interesting and unique information that you will find useful on subjects such as medication and psychotherapy and patients shared experience forums, all dealing with bipolar symptoms and bipolar disorder.
Personal Experience
As I am sure many of you have, I do know and have known people with bipolar disorder, who are tremendously fun, smart people.
A man I once knew, Howard, was bipolar. He was a gregarious, friendly man. But he was so gregarious and manic, that he was a pain in the neck to his family and people around him. He was eventually admitted to a mental institution because no one wanted to care for him. What he actually needed was to have his bipolar symptoms diagnosed properly, and to receive medication and perhaps psychotherapy. As it was for Howard, he had neither diagnosis nor treatment and he did not get better.
Over the years I have known many people who are bipolar because bipolar disorder is so common. Some of them got treated. Some did not because bipolar symptoms are not always diagnosed, but rather thought of as rash behavior, and the disorder goes untreated.
Once bipolar symptoms are diagnosed, bipolar disorder requires lifelong treatment to manage. The longer one goes undiagnosed, the worse symptoms may become. In society in general there are many people who are misunderstood because they are not diagnosed. You see them all the time. They are thought of as troublesome and are swept aside by family and society.
If an individual with bipolar symptoms is properly diagnosed and has friends, family or a network necessary for support, dealing with this disease can make the difference in whether they experience a happy and productive life.
Check the following sites for the best information available online:
I cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining good mental health, as well as physical health. I hope that if you are just inquiring for the first time about bipolar symptoms, or if you have recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, or whatever your case may be with this disease, that the sites which I am suggesting for information give you not only complete information to understand and deal with this disease but that they will guide you toward maintaining good mental health and happy longevity.
Just about the best most complete site I have seen Bipolar Aware covers True Facts, How to Recognize the Symptoms, What is it? and How can it be treated? This site is uncomplicated and complete.
Stable Moods is an online resource for family, friends and people who are affected by Bipolar Disorder. The website was created to cover a broad range of topics related to bipolar disorder where you will find news, videos, articles, book reviews, a discussion forum, a blog and many other resources to help you find ways to manage, care for and treat this sometimes difficult disorder.
Depression and Bipolar Alliance (DBSA). This is a terrific site. Screening Center links (2) follow:
1. Screening for Bipolar Depression in English and Spanish, from DBSA - Must see.
2. See also DBSA Mental Health Screening Center – Must see.
Bipolar Symptoms - JUST THE FACTS This site is not pretty, but it is very good. Psychology Online Information will give you any information on bipolar depression that you need. See their National Directory of Psychologists.
Mayo Clinic Bipolar Disorder by the Mayo Clinic Staff: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications, Tests and diagnosis, Treatments and drugs, Lifestyle remedies, Coping and support, Prevention, and more… thorough, just about the best outline of information available.
The articles available on are interesting. There are a lot of subject choices for reading about not only symptoms and treatment but also about individuals experiences that I found particularly interesting.
Learn how you can help the 1 in 4 adults who suffer with brain disorders. The International Mental Health Research Organization is committed to funding research and raising awareness to help people with brain disease, and, ultimately, find cures for schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder. The IMHRO is a collection of families and individuals whose lives have been touched by brain disorders–and who believe that mental health research can solve brain disease within a generation.
Of all the sites I’ve seen – this one has a good outline of information, symptoms of the highs (manic) and the lows (depression), how the disease differs between children and adults. It’s laid out well and is informative, with good references and links.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to research focused on the understanding of… What is Bipolar Disorder? Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, Getting Help and Related Information.
National Institute of Mental Health Bipolar Disorder Publications Index. List of Publications specific to age groups, and other indexes. Great reference source for information.
NIMH A detailed booklet that describes Bipolar Disorder symptoms, causes, and treatments, with information on getting help and coping. (2009).
This booklet discusses bipolar disorder in adults. For information on bipolar disorder in children and adolescents, see the NIMH booklet Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens: A Parent’s Guide. This booklet is a guide for parents who think their child may have symptoms of bipolar disorder, or parents whose child has been diagnosed.
Medline Plus - Essential reading for anyone with bipolar symptoms.
Journal Articles about Bipolar Disorder from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health.
Mental Health Medications from the NIMH. This guide describes the types of medications used to treat mental disorders, side effects of medications, directions for taking medications, and includes any FDA warnings. (2008).
This site is written by James Phelps, MD, a psychiatrist who has a practice in Corvallis, Oregon who has provided a lot of information not found elsewhere, that I have seen. Dr. Phelps is a highly regarded author on this subject. In addition to his published books, this site is written by Dr. Phelps for his patients and colleagues and although it looks unprofessional compared to some sites regarding medical or mental health, it is legitimate and very good. This site is definitely worth a good look.
Mood Tracker Online Tools for Depression and Bipolar Disorder - Mood Tracker comes with endorsements from psychiatrists, the Health Alliance Plan (HAP) and most importantly from many patients who use it to track their moods and medications so they can get the better diagnosis and treatment. This is a great tool. The site includes a user Forum for users to relate to one another.
Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation – Find help and many recent important News Articles. article “Talk therapy and people with bipolar disorder” written by patients for a patient’s perspective on the effectiveness of psychotherapy to help treat bipolar disorder.
U.S. News and World Report Best Psychiatry Hospitals in the U.S.
The National Institute of Mental Health, a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This site is unique, definitive, interesting, good, essential. Bipolar Disorder FAQs.
Helpguide, A Trusted Non-Profit Resource, whose mission it is to help Understand, Prevent and Resolve Life’s Challenges. Helpguide was launched following the suicide of Robert and Jeanne Segal’s daughter, Morgan….who believe that Morgan’s tragedy could have been avoided if she had had easy access to supportive health information… Good guide on all topics of Bipolar Disorder plus other common mental health conditions, symptoms and issues.
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms ( – This particular site is very to-the-point. It’s very thorough and is laid out very simply and covers all the bases regarding symptoms of bipolar disorder. Additionally it offers insights to experiences of symptoms that you may relate to or understand. Just when you thought you had seen it all… see this site.
Quintessential information about bipolar disease provided by the experts at the American Psychological Association.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of ... See “How is bipolar disorder treated?” – Info on medications for specifics of and prevention of bipolar disorder. sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline has a good Treating Depression section which includes medication and alternative treatment options.
And last, but not least, another thorough site from the National Mental Health Association.
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