Anxiety Symptoms
Acute Stress, Hyperventilation, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic, Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Selective Mutism, Social Anxiety
For sufferers of anxiety symptoms, searching the internet for the right help can be confusing and exhausting.
This page will make it simple for you to get the information you need and answers to your questions about Anxiety, all types. You will find valuable resources of information from what I believe are the best selections about Anxiety from the large number of websites available.
What You Will Find on Anxiety Symptoms
The information contained in these websites will provide a sufferer or anyone interested in learning about anxiety symptoms plenty of excellent and thorough information.
Many suggested websites include the reliable stalwarts of basic and thorough information - websites that report on each of the anxiety symptoms and provide all aspects of each subject: reference, recovery, treatment, medication, support.
In addition I have included many interesting creative sites that either have a twist on the basic information or offer extras that are beyond what the basic sites offer.
I found that there is a shortage of sites for reference to psychological counseling or psychologists for anxiety symptoms. There is one site however, which offers a good current directory of therapists in the U.S., please see the ADAA site below which I have highlighted in BOLD and CAPITALIZED letters.
There is also a counseling directory site for citizens of the UK and some countries in Europe. You will find it immediately below the ADAA site suggestion.
Anxiety Disorder - Acute Stress, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety disorders and to improving the lives of all people who suffer from them. This site is a one stop shop for all subjects about Anxiety Symptoms, Understanding Anxiety, and Types of, Finding Help, Living With, Taking Action, and importantly A REFERENCE SOURCE TO WHERE TO FIND A THERAPIST.
And here is a good counseling directory for the UK! and some countries in Europe.
I suggest anyone with anxiety see this site!: The site only sufferers of anxiety symptoms can understand. Anxiety symptoms...experienced by those in an anxiety state and How and What Sufferers Think Told in words only sufferers will understand, and a treatment program for suffers of anxiety.
The National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH website – if you study and review this page, it will take you to all kinds of resources of information, from explaining all about anxiety symptoms to treatment available, medications, resource to locate mental health services in your area. See also: Featured Publications, valuable information and many publications are in Spanish. These Booklets provide the best info available.
Reference from NIMH, Medline Anxiety is also as thorough as any information available anywhere. Medline is a super valuable resource website. Medline is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. Don’t miss this site.
Medline sites on the various types of anxiety and anxiety symptoms:
Medline on Panic Disorder.
Medline on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or “OCD”.
Medline on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or “PTSD”.
Medline on Phobias.
See Pediatric research from Duke University Medical Center Program, Child Affective and Anxiety Disorders.
After you have seen all the above, there's something a little different at They bill themselves as the largest free anxiety self-help site on the internet. From what I see, and I looked around a lot on this site, it offers a lot of very good information and references, articles, etc.
See both sections on Social Anxiety Disorder and the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder section. Simple, well done, thorough, includes patients experience input and more. Super good site.
Mental Health America site, by the National Mental Health Association offers a thorough review of information and help options, also. NHA offers information about Anxiety Disorders and Kids, on Anxiety Disorders and College Students, and for Troops and Families.
Childhood Anxiety Network and the Selective Mutism Group – see their FAQ page for all information about selective mutism.
From the NHS, the National Health Service in the UK, go to National Health Service UK: then open up the pdf file, there you will see a booklet called All About Anxiety. It’s good. The booklet covers the types of anxiety such as phobias, OCD, panic, PTSD, general, etc. What can be done, Where to go for help, What kind of treatment you may find and How it works.
Dart Hart, Resources for Students with Post Dramatic Stress Disorder. A great site! This is their blog page but you can look further into the site for more good information. Covers issues of current events taking place for readers to participate in. This is a rare find, one of the creative sites I like to find to refer you to.
The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma A Resource for Journalists Who Cover Violence, excellent site for the media about PTSD. Site is also a benefit or anyone who wants to be informed about how to deal with disasters of all sorts. The Dart Center is a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Interesting from the point of view that journalists, who bring us all the disaster information in the world, daily, need education and help for resulting PTSD.
Grief Healing, Useful Information on Loss, Grief and Transition – For The Bereaved and Those Who Care For Them, super good blog.
From Heal My PTSD – Awareness, Education, Treatment, Healing. Great, unique site. Information on the basics plus more…. Worth your time to check this out. Their byline is Your source for anxiety symptoms, causes, and treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Conquer the Past. Create the Future.
This is another site, basic and great, that is offered by the Substance abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, it offers help for Getting Through Tough Economic Times, as well as a broad range of the basics. SAMHSA is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Luanne offers how to DELETE STRESS. She is an Executive Coach in La Jolla, California. She has been featured on Oprah and on Fox News. You may want to check it out. She has written several articles about anxiety that you may find helpful.
MDJunction A very good PTSD forum, good help here: Post Traumatic Stress Group A community of patients, family members and friends dedicated to dealing with Post Traumatic Stress.
Anxiety Disorders & Related Conditions 11 of them, ANXIETY UK was established in 1970 and is still an active group…grown to become the largest charity dealing with anxiety disorders…a user-led organization, believing firmly that those who have personal experience of anxiety are often best-placed to support others similarly affected.
There are so many sites about anxiety symptoms that really, you by now have already seen the information you need, but here is another site of thorough, concise information, by Bupa, a leading health care provider in the UK, this site is very good, worth reviewing.
Suggested above under Anxiety, this site addresses Panic specifically, too. It is the Panic Anxiety Hub, and it offers great information and help for sufferers of panic attacks and anxiety attacks.
For me, this was a really important site. As I stated above, before my list of reviews, that some sites state what may be the same information, entirely different than another site, and this site really taught me what I hadn’t read before, about some manifestations of a panic attack. It’s very personal actually because after reviewing this and some other sites, I realize what I never knew before about family and why, and what was occurring through my life. I won’t elaborate, let’s just say it’s all been an enlightening experience. This site, Panic 411, is a long essay and you can see their references.
Renowned board certified psychiatrist, Abbot Lee Granoff, M.D. offers a book titled Help! I think I’m Dying! Panic Attacks and Phobias that he claims has a 98% success rate for treatment, which is highly critically acclaimed and may be worth looking into.
The purpose of this site, say the people producing it No More Panic, is to “provide members with support, advice and a chance to meet like-minded people and make friends along the way.” And they suggest using the Message Forum and Chat room alongside any care you are currently receiving from your physician.
A therapists’ book and website called Panic Disorder Recovery Center offers understanding, explanation and help from panic attacks. A very good site.
Medline’s site specific to hyperventilation.
Physiotherapy for Hyperventilation – an Online Resource for both the Public and Professionals Interested in the Treatment of Breathing Pattern Disorders. Very thorough, very good. It’s a UK site, run by chartered physiotherapists registered with the Health Professions Council and specializing in the treatment of disordered breathing, including Hyperventilation.
Agoraphobia, Altophobia, Arachnophobia, Aviophobia, Aviatophobia, Claustrophobia, Dentophobia, Emetophobia, Hypsiphobia, Social Phobia, Telephonophobia
>Agoraphobia Resource Center Facts, Treatment, Articles, Resources
A short page, simply a description of agoraphobia.
Altophobia, the fear of heights, is very common. I didn’t find any sites on it specifically. I did not find information on NAMI, American Psychological Association, two primary internet directories or Medline, which mentions everything almost, had no explanation or essays, see Claustrophobia below.
Arachnophobia, another common phobia, is the fear of spiders. As common as I thought both Altophobia and arachnophobia are, arachnophobia like Altophobia above, as much as I looked for, I did not find information on it. See claustrophobia below for link to Medline, as it covers phobias most completely, in my opinion.
Claustrophobia the fear of being in an enclosed space, like an elevator, a tunnel, or an airplane…the best site I’ve found that deals most completely with phobias is the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. Claustrophobia is mentioned, I could not find mention of either arachnophobia or altophobia specifically.
Aviophobia, the fear of flying. Get help in this complete, compassionate, helpful site by Airfraid.
It’s amazing what good sites there are that are available...please see this site to get informed about Aviatophobia.
If you fear dentists, going to the dentist, anything about being in a dental office or having a dentist work on your mouth, then see this site! Everything you ever wanted to know about Dentophobia but were afraid to ask.
One step further, if you want the benefit of hypnosis, or other help from fear of going to the dentist Dr. Gow, of Scotland, has a solution for you.
Emetophobia, the fear of vomiting, learn all about it here. I normally do not suggest websites that have tons of ads, this site only has a few but after you get around two pop-ups, the information here is not to be found elsewhere, which is why I am suggesting it. See the FAQs about fear of vomiting for a thorough, understated, account of vomiting, all about it physiologically, psychologically, Celebrating, Overcoming and Support group. Lots of good resources, well written. This is a very good site.
Hypsiphobia - Quite a lengthy essay on Conquering the Fear of Heights from Learning
Social Anxiety, the fear of social contact situations in which the person has to perform, speak, sing or express feelings see Comprehensive, helpful, from Social Anxiety-com.
Highly recommended, Public Speaking- Social Anxiety Center of NY.
Dealing with the subject of shyness as a form of Social Anxiety, very good website.
Getting over Stage Fright – the sites I have reviewed about Phobias are incredible. Including this one. Great information.
Learn all about and how to cope with Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia, or Shyness.
Did you know that approximately 7% of the population suffers from some form of social anxiety symptoms or disorder? See the Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association website for more information.
Again, I normally don’t list commercial sites, but this one has interesting information that I haven’t read elsewhere regarding Social Phobia, the largest anxiety disorder.
You have seen this information before however, since it is the Social Anxiety Institute, I am recommending it among the other sites for your review. It provides information about anxiety symptoms, getting help, and treatment of social anxiety disorder.
Telephonophobia, turns out is a fear of the sound of phones, and that Telephonophobia as a result of a case of phonophobia, which is a phobia of sounds in general. It is my opinion only that an individual with Telephonophobia in today’s world is in trouble, unless they live in a scarcely populated, quiet place. This site is informative, although it is old, it’s the only site I have see with information on Telephonophobia.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
I guess if you are going to find good information anywhere it would surely be here on the Obsessive-Compulsive website.
You saw this site before up in the General Anxiety section, here is the page on OCD at
Awareness Foundation for OCD and Related Disorders – Non-profit organization that promotes awareness of OCD - see their site!.
I found this site to be very informative and it’s easy to navigate, great information, well presented, good links, good in general. I am sure you will like this site, too. See the OCD Today website.
Believe it or not, there is something new and different on this OCD site Related Disorders that I have not seen and a very good Forum Discussions section.
OCD Youth - This site is meant to address young people specifically... is a good site.
Large and impressive list of OCD links reviewed and listed for you on Again and Again. Great information source for OCD.
Not surprising, the NIH has an OCD site devoted to kids. It is the Pediatric OCD Research site. Very thorough, very good.
A proven method of relaxation is self hypnosis. I have found an exciting site that offers you relief from stress through this technique which, if you give it a try, may be great for you. See Potentials4u for some insight into this relaxing method of relaxation.

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Tags: anxiety symptoms, anxiety attacks, social anxiety disorder