Mediterranean Chicken Recipes
Mediterranean Chicken Recipes
Mediterranean Chicken Recipes #1
Baked Chicken With Vegetables

This is truly one of the best meals in the world. It is a very simple meal to prepare.
2-4 lb whole chicken
You can use a chicken of any weight. I normally use an approximately 4 lb. chicken, which serves 4 people or 2 people for 2 nights, plus some leftovers after that.
4 large potatoes, cut into 4 or 6 pieces
6 large carrots
3 large onions
Preparing your chicken takes just about 10 minutes but is essential. Wash it lightly inside and out by rinsing it with water, dangle it from one end to let the water come out of the inside, then set it on paper towels and pat it dry with another few sheets of paper towels. Once your chicken is nice and dry, oil it with olive oil all over.
An easy way to do this is have a roaster ready for baking, lightly coat the inside of the roaster with olive oil, also. Put a few tablespoons in the roaster where your chicken is going to be placed, then sprinkle olive oil over the top of it and actually use your hands to make sure it’s nicely covered.
Oiling it a bit gives your chicken a nicely golden brown, moist skin while its baking. Liberally salt and pepper your bird after its in the roaster.
Put all the chopped vegetables in a large bowl. Give them a coating, approximately 4 to 6 tablespoons of olive oil, and liberally salt and pepper them. I would say a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper are sufficient.
Put all vegetables around your chicken.
Bake for 1 ½ hours a 350°, uncovered.
This is a super good meal. Your baked vegetables will make even the hardened non-vegetable eater, a vegetable lover.
After your chicken is done cooking take it out of the oven and let it sit about 5 minutes, to rest.
To serve, I like to cut the chicken meat while it is in the roaster, directly onto dinner plates, serve the vegetables from the roaster to the plate, and serve the plated dinner. You can put it all on a serving platter, and serve from it, if you wish.
Mediterranean Chicken Recipes #2
Mediterranean Grandma's Chicken and Noodles

As Mediterranean recipes go, this one is certainly influenced by my family's mid-western roots, and it incorporates all the ingredients and the philosophy of the Mediterranean Diet - fresh vegetables, good food, made with love.
A great suggestion for leftovers is to put the roaster with the chicken in it in the fridge with the roaster cover on. The next day, the oil and chicken fat will be on top of the juice that is coagulated. Use a large spoon and scrape off as much of the oil as you can. This isn’t dangerous fat, but for the dish I am going to instruct you about, it is best with less oil.
After you have removed the oil, put about a half cup of water in your roaster and put it in the oven for a half hour at 350°.
All you are doing at this point is warming up the chicken and juices, you aren’t actually baking it longer.
After ½ hour remove your roaster from the oven. Remove your chicken from the roaster. We are at this point going to remove all the meat from it. So, start removing all the meat from your chicken. Place meat in a bowl to be used later. 86 the chicken carcass.
Put your roaster on the stove top, on low to medium heat. Use a wooden or stainless steel cooking spoon, and stir the juices in the roaster, making sure to completely loosen all the baked juices from the side and bottom of your roaster, incorporating it into the sauce. This is called “deglazing” your pan, but what you are doing is removing all the very flavorful juice of the chicken and veges that stick to the pan while cooking. They are very flavorful and make for great gravy, which you are essentially making. I would also add about another ½ to 1 cup water, also, to make enough sauce for the next step.
In a Dutch oven, saute:
1 diced onion, 1 or 2 stalks celery and a couple of carrots also finely diced, on medium heat. Saute until they are good and tender, about 15 minutes.Mediterranean Chicken Recipes
After your vegetables are done, add your sauce from the roaster to these vegetables, and then add your chicken. Let this sauce simmer on the lowest heat setting on your stove top for about 45 minutes to an hour, to let the flavors meld.Mediterranean Chicken Recipes
Boil some wide egg noodles. Medium wide are a nice sized noodle for this dish. After your noodles are boiled and rinsed, add them to your sauce. Stir it all together well so your noodles are coated well.Mediterranean Chicken Recipes
Serve in large bowls. This dish is a winner, and a great way to serve leftover chicken and use the delicious juices from the roast chicken. I think it is an awful waste to not use those delicious juices from the baked chicken that normally are thrown out. This dish is a good way to use these juices. Not only do they taste great, they are nutritious too, all your vegetables have cooked in them.Mediterranean Chicken Recipes
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